339 0 0 2015-7-2 12:23


来自: 哈宝宾馆 收藏 分享 邀请

简介:2015年7月2日发布Habbo celebrates being 15 years old this summer, and in true party fashion we have a bunch of exciting competitions and events to showcase the creativity of the Habbo community. ...

Habbo celebrates being 15 years old this summer, and in true party fashion we have a bunch of exciting competitions and events to showcase the creativity of the Habbo community. With THOUSANDS of great prizes up for grabs including daily in-game gifts as well as real world prizes including t-shirts, caps and even a Macbook Pro and an iPhone 6, it’s a great time to get into Habbo!

Play for free at http://www.habbo.com or download on iTunes at https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/habbo-make-friends-express/id794866182?ls=1&mt=8

Explore and build awesome rooms in a vibrant retro-pixel-art style virtual world. Take the community wherever you go and engage in daily activities and competitions.

Habbo is completely free to play. Includes optional in-app purchases.

:: Features ::

* MAKE FRIENDS & CHAT with millions of teens worldwide
* EXPRESS YOURSELF with awesome effects and accessories
* BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD to hang out with friends
* DRESS YOUR AVATAR to impress with the right gear for any occasion
* CREATE & JOIN GROUPS like armies and mafias
* EXPLORE EPIC ROOMS and make your own
* TRADE with other players and run your own stores
* PLAY in daily competitions, quizzes, events and quests
* 24/7 Live Moderation


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